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Feelings and Emotions

Did you know we all experience different kinds of emotions? Even our superhero researchers at Telethon Kids feel different emotions. Identify all the different types of emotions by matching the words to the faces. Then colour in how you are feeling today!

Young Minds Matter

Our researchers use lots of different tools to find out more about our amazing bodies and brain, and how they work. They use surveys to find ways to improve kids’ mental health. Learn more about why young minds matter by completing this activity!

Colouring In

Can you name different types of emotions? How are you feeling today? Here’s a colouring in sheet for you to get creative with!

Meet Researcher Penelope

Penelope is a researcher working in Youth Suicide Prevention within the Youth Mental Health team at Telethon Kids Institute. Learn about what inspired her to become a researcher and the research she’s currently working on.

Meet Scientist Nick

Nick is a researcher, but he doesn't wear a lab coat. His research takes place in people's homes. He knows a good sleep is important to our health and wellbeing, so his research is all about helping kids with a disability get a good night's sleep.

Make a Pinwheel

Our bodies can go into a fight, flight or freeze response because of a special part in our brain called the amygdala. Learn all about the amygdala and how we can use our breath as a calming tool by making a spinning pinwheel.

Brain Cap

Your brain is the most complex computer you will ever own, working while you sleep and is constantly changing! Make your very own brain caps by printing out and following the instructions on the sheet. Learn about what different parts of your brain does and show off your brain cap to others! 
